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Self Sabotage: Top 10 Ways Women Get In Their Own Way

Self Sabotage: Top 10 Ways Women Get In Their Own Way

By Toronto Life & Mindset Alignment Coach Stephanie J. Marshall How Women Self Sabotage: When I'm on a consult call with someone and I ask what their biggest obstacle is, often they say "I am". For so many women, self-sabotage sucks up a lot of time, mental...

How to Stop Being Lonely

How to Stop Being Lonely

The Loneliness Cycle Experiencing the feeling is loneliness is a part of life, but chronic loneliness sucks and has all sorts of negative impacts on health and wellbeing. Breaking free of chronic loneliness is made more difficult because the coping mechanisms, the...

The Cool Modern Midlife Woman ™

The Cool Modern Midlife Woman ™

Midlife Women are a Hot Topic I’m 50 and I’ve been noticing all of the hype about women getting older and owning it. And while I love the fact that midlife women aren’t invisible anymore and people are learning what perimenopause is, there’s something about the...

How to Stop Being Stressed

How to Stop Being Stressed

The Stress Habit and Breaking It JUSTIFIED AND NECESSARY? If you're always feeling stressed it eventually becomes a habit. The stress always feels justified and over time it even feels necessary and unavoidable. But here's the thing, if you've developed a stress habit...

A Letter to My Clients and Future Clients

A Letter to My Clients and Future Clients

To the Women I Coach Why? I want you to know that you don't need to spend more than half of your waking time feeling rushed, behind, or stuck dealing with logistics; Dealing with what to cook making plans, booking appointments, and buying toilet paper. You don’t need...

Resetting Habits | What Works and What Doesn’t

Resetting Habits | What Works and What Doesn’t

By Stephanie J. Marshall, Toronto-based Master Alignment Coach The Habit Reset Making and Breaking Habits If you want to reset your habits, break the bad habits and set new good ones, you have to deal with the easy part and the harder part. It's easy to have good...

Procrastination Logic: I’ll Do It Tomorrow

Procrastination Logic: I’ll Do It Tomorrow

By Stephanie J. Marshall, Toronto-based Master Alignment Coach "I'll Do It Tomorrow"... Famous Last Words Procrastination Logic Starts with the simple things we tell ourselves the moment we decide to put it off. "I'll start tomorrow" "I'll do it later" "I'll do it...

Feeling Disconnected

Feeling Disconnected

By Toronto Life & Mindset Alignment Coach Stephanie J. Marshall Yesterday sucked. If a specific saying comes to you three times from three different sources in one day that means you should pay attention right? Let me start at the beginning. So yesterday sucked. I...

Exhausted from Uncertainty Fatigue

Exhausted from Uncertainty Fatigue

By Stephanie J. Marshall, Toronto-based Master Alignment Coach Why Uncertainty is Exhausting Uncertainty fatigue strikes when you feel like you don't have a "normal" to relax into anymore. It comes when you can no longer take for granted doing things the way you've...

Are You Behind in Life Compared to Your Peers?

Are You Behind in Life Compared to Your Peers?

By Toronto Life & Mindset Alignment Coach Stephanie J. Marshall Find Out if You're Behind I’ve had countless women tell me why they think are so behind. Why at 30 they should have ticked certain boxes, why they need to reach certain milestones before turning 40,...

How to Stop Worrying About Everything

How to Stop Worrying About Everything

The Uselessness of Worrying About Everything When people say they can't stop worrying they often subconsciously believe that worrying is necessary, because worrying can feel productive. That doesn't mean that it is. Worrying is exhausting and keeps you from being...

Top 10 Worst Thought Habits

Top 10 Worst Thought Habits

By Stephanie J. Marshall, Toronto-based Master Alignment Coach I want you to shine, thrive, and amaze yourself with what you’re capable of, and I’m going to share the top 10 thoughts I’ve seen women habitualize and use against themselves! Do You Think This Often? If...

When You Feel Like You Don’t Belong

When You Feel Like You Don’t Belong

By Stephanie J. Marshall, Toronto-based Master Alignment Coach Everyone Has Felt Like an Outsider Everyone knows the feeling of not belonging. Having coached hundreds of women, I can confirm that sometimes even people who look like the literal definition of...

What Does a Life Coach Do?

What Does a Life Coach Do?

A Life Coach Helps You with Intentional Change A  life coach meets you where you are and helps you move towards the results you want faster, and more easily than you would with trial and error. This looks different for everyone, but some things that often come into it...

How to Declutter Your Mind

How to Declutter Your Mind

By Stephanie J. Marshall, Toronto-based Master Alignment Coach The Cluttered Mind A cluttered mind is like a cluttered home, except it's filled with too many disorganized thoughts instead of stuff. Like in a cluttered home, in a cluttered mind, it's harder to find...

Honest Talk About Coaching

Honest Talk About Coaching

By Stephanie J. Marshall, Toronto-based Master Alignment Coach The Blunt Talk I've been holding back because I don't want to scare you away from coaching, but I don't think it's been serving either one of us. I've been scared that if I'm too blunt with you up-front...

How to Find Your Spark in Midlife

How to Find Your Spark in Midlife

Lost Your Spark When you feel like you've lost your spark it sucks. You don't feel like yourself, it's harder to get excited about things, and the worst part is that doing the things that might help you get your spark back often just feels like more work. The good...

The 10 Best Benefits of Group Life Coaching

The 10 Best Benefits of Group Life Coaching

The 10 Top Benefits of Group Life Coaching Women join the group life coaching program to feel inspired, and energized, get clarity, build confidence and get in control of their lives. To feel grounded and aligned with who they are and how they want to live. They want...

The September Reset

The September Reset

By Stephanie J. Marshall, Toronto-based Master Alignment Coach That September Reset Feeling Hands up if you chase that fresh start, September back to school feeling every fall!! September is the real new year, and the back to school high comes from the feeling that...

I Made a Mistake and I Feel Horrible

I Made a Mistake and I Feel Horrible

By Toronto Life & Mindset Alignment Coach Stephanie J. Marshall Why Do I Feel So Bad After a Mistake? Shit happens. Maybe you missed a detail, said what you shouldn't have, or forgot something. Your intent wasn't malicious, but now you're up at 3 a.m. and your...