How to Stop Being Stressed
The Stress Habit and Breaking It JUSTIFIED AND NECESSARY? If you’re always feeling stressed it eventually becomes a habit. The stress always feels justified and over time it even feels necessary and unavoidable. But here’s the thing, if you’ve...
A Letter to My Clients and Future Clients
To the Women I Coach Why? I want you to know that you don’t need to spend more than half of your waking time feeling rushed, behind, or stuck dealing with logistics; Dealing with what to cook making plans, booking appointments, and buying toilet paper. You don’t...
Resetting Habits | What Works and What Doesn’t
By Toronto Life & Mindset Alignment Coach Stephanie J. Marshall The Habit Reset Making and Breaking Habits If you want to reset your habits, break the bad habits and set new good ones, you have to deal with the easy part and the harder part. It’s easy to...
Procrastination Logic: I’ll Do It Tomorrow
By Toronto Life & Mindset Alignment Coach Stephanie J. Marshall “I’ll Do It Tomorrow”… The Logic of Procrastination This is the perfect time to procrastinate. I know that you can come up with a really good reason to put things off. And I...