ADHD Coaching for Women

With Stephanie J. Marshall

What would it feel like to stop fighting with your brain and get on your own team? 

Get your sh*t together, for good this time. Because you deserve to thrive.

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Stephanie J. Marshall – MBA

Toronto based Master Alignment Coach

I was diagnosed with ADHD in my mid 30’s, but in true ADHD fashion I didn’t get around to looking into it for another ten years. At this time I realized the huge impact ADHD had on how I had constructed my life and my career, as well as how it was holding me back. I committed to breaking the patterns because I was sick of settling and made more changes than I believed were possible. Now I get to help other women figure it out too.

Are you frustrated because you always have great ideas and intentions but you never seem to excel in the execution?

Is it normal for you to cycle between going all-in then crashing from exhaustion?

Do you catch yourself thinking to yourself “My brain doesn’t work that way so I have to do it my way”?

Are you familiar with the ADHD overwhelm, decision paralysis, time blindness, procrastination, inconsistency, overcommiting or hyperfocusing on the wrong things?

Welcome. I’ve been there.

I changed my life and now I’ve coached hundreds of women so I can tell you: This doesn’t have to be forever.

You can learn to trust yourself.

It’s possible to break the habits you thought you were stuck with forever.

Everything you’ve learned up until now has prepared you for this.

It’s time to discover what you’re actually capable of.

Women with ADHD

Many intelligent women with ADHD have spent years masking and unknowingly creating highly personalized systems and workarounds because they learned early on that they don’t do things the way others do them.

The problem is that over time these systems and workarounds may become less efficient or stop working altogether. This can happen when:

1. Entering a new phase of life:

The different demands may be incompatible with how you have trained yourself to get things done. For example, pulling last-minute all-nighters might have worked in university, but it isn’t sustainable with work deadlines when you have kids.

2. Sudden change:
*but not the exciting kind that ADHD people often thrive in

Sudden changes in routine, accountability, environment, or expectations can seriously impact someone with ADHD’s systems. Especially when dealing with things that aren’t particularly difficult, but are uninteresting and require attention and thought.

The good news is that you don’t have to keep scrambling and chasing the impossible idea in your head of how you *should* be doing things. You’ve gotten this far, and coaching will help you identify and your strengths and skills in new ways that align with how your brain works.

How ADHD Coaching is Different with the Kickstartology Method

There is no perfect organizational system. If “trying harder” worked you wouldn’t be here. Accountability to someone else will only get you so far. Relying on motivation for the stuff you “should” do sounds nice on paper but doesn’t work.

If you are ready to start making new decisions and creating real lasting transformation, it requires going deep and really getting to know yourself because everyone is different. 

Our actions are driven by emotions (because we are not robots) but with ADHD people this is even more apparent because we feel things strongly and we often have well-developed skills of both avoidance and impulsivity. To start changing your patterns requires understanding what drives you, what blocks you, and examining the current “logic” (often unconscious) you are operating on.

You are going to have a level of self-awareness beyond what you have ever experienced.

I will guide you, support you, and keep you on track as we work through this and you practice the new ways of doing things.

And once you are using the tools you will never be able to b#llsh*t yourself again because you will know exactly where to start.

ADHD Late Diagnosis

Many women receive an ADHD diagnosis in their 30s or beyond because traditional presentations of ADHD focus on hyperactive boys, missing the inattentive and emotional aspects more common in women. Furthermore, girls may develop coping mechanisms that mask symptoms, making it harder for them to be identified in childhood.

A delayed ADHD diagnosis for women can lead to years of feeling like something is wrong but not knowing why. You don’t need to live in overwhelm.

My ADHD coaching is designed to help you understand your unique experience with ADHD and develop the right tools to get out of your own way and thrive.

ADHD Coaching FAQ


 Who do I Coach?

I’ve coached women with ADHD from 12 different countries and from a broad range of professions including artists, entrepreneurs, doctors, executives, and people figuring out what’s next.

You do not need a formal diagnosis to work with me, and your decision to take ADHD medication or not is beyond the scope of coaching. I have the experience to help you either way.

I only coach women I know I can help, which is why I have a free coaching exploration call to ensure it’s the right fit for both of us.


What Changes Do Women Make with ADHD Coaching?

Some come to ADHD coaching to improve their habits and ability to function the way they want to in a general sense, while others come to ADHD coaching with a specific challenge in their life, for example, taking their business to the next level, leaving the corporate world, improving their relationships, or even just getting out of a rut and figuring out what’s next.

We work together to identify your priorities as well as the biggest obstacles so that you can start making changes and feeling more in control faster.

The coaching will give you the tools to change your approach and execution tactics based on what drives you. You get support and accountability as you figure out your specific operating system (because there is no one-size-fits-all perfect system).


What do we do in an ADHD Coaching Session?

Our coaching sessions will be customized to focus on your specific needs and will vary based on what’s going on in your life and the results you created based on the previous coaching session. Coaching is more effective than a book or a podcast because it’s an iterative experiential experience incorporating your new data from one session to the next.

Some of the things that we do in sessions include:

  • Clarity around goals and developing a focused vision for your future
  • Identifying blind spots, limiting beliefs, and impediments
  • Understanding your personal productivity profile & preferences
  • Guidance for a sustained focus on your goals, and consistent effort towards achieving them
  • Figuring out the right systems and tools to optimize your productivity
  • Working on organization, planning, and time management
  • Providing accountability for ongoing progress


What are your ADHD Coaching for Women Packages?

ADHD coaching packages include working with me 1-on-1 for a specific amount of time based on the results you want to create and your starting point.

Packages range from 4 months 12 months with most people starting with a six-month commitment.

It’s important for the commitment to be long enough to allow life to get in the way and the novelty to wear off because part of the work is learning to show up for yourself even after you fall off track or if things don’t go as planned. It’s a game-changer.

We do one-hour coaching sessions weekly over Zoom or on the phone. There is some built-in buffer time and flexibility to accommodate vacations or the unexpected.


What if I don’t follow through?

What if you do? Seriously?

Look, if you have ADHD I know what your past follow-through on self-help stuff might look like and I’ve been there (big time). I’m not expecting you to be perfect, part of what we are building is your ability to follow through for yourself. The first step to change a pattern is to find the leverage points, and here’s the thing: you can make different decisions in the future than you have made in the past.

If you’re worried about this it’s totally normal and we can discuss it on the exploration call!


When should you start ADHD coaching?

When you’ve had enough of struggling and you’re open to trying a new way of doing things you’re ready for coaching. You don’t need to calm the chaos or get organized before we begin. On your coaching exploration call, we can dive into the logistics to make sure it makes sense for you.


Do you have time for ADHD Coaching?

No one has an extra drawer of time, but it always feels like in the future there will be more time. Be careful of this, because waiting until you “have more time” or “waiting for the right time” is a brilliant procrastination technique that allows you to double down on the patterns that have led you to where you are.

If you have ADHD you know that if you really deeply want something, you can often figure out how to make it happen.

If you’re thinking of ADHD coaching as something you “should” do only because it will be good for you, you’re going to want to put it off and you will find every good reason to do so.

I want you to WANT to do ADHD coaching because you’re sick of settling, you’ve had enough of the stress and overwhelm, and you WANT the changes because your life will have more room for the good stuff. It may be tough at times, but ultimately it will feel amazing.

The sooner you start coaching, the sooner you will get out of your own way and start seeing different results.


Is this Life Coaching for Women with ADHD?

I coach using the Alignment Coaching Framework which incorporates the best proven elements of life coaching and mindset coaching. My coaching is rooted in the latest neuroscience and psychology research on ADHD, behaviour, and personal change.

When you work on yourself it’s going to impact every area of your life because how you do one thing is how you do everything.


How Much does ADHD coaching cost?

I want you to make the best decision for yourself with regards to coaching which is why I choose to discuss the cost of coaching on the exploration call. Until we have a conversation, the value of the coaching investment for you specifically is not going to be clear.

Once you have a clear sense of the results that you can expect, you can decide if it’s an investment that makes sense right now.


Do you do Group Coaching for Women with ADHD?

Many women with ADHD have been through my Alignment Group Coaching program and had terrific results. It’s not specifically targeting ADHD, it’s more group life coaching  but tools work for ADHD and the program includes elements to keep you on track as well as one-on-one feedback and laser coaching. If you are interested in the group program we can discuss this on the call and I’m happy to direct you to what will help you get the best results!


What is a coaching exploration call?

The goal of this call is for you to get the clarity you need in order to decide if coaching is the right fit for you right now. On the call I will ask you questions about your specific situation in order to show you how we would approach it with coaching, as well as go through the logistics and pricing. Also, you will get a sense of my personal coaching style.

ADHD Coaching for Women - Late Diagnosis

Curious about online group coaching for women?

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*You don’t need to do The First Step before coming into the live Alignment Coaching Program, to find out all about that you can book a free call.