Tough love doesn’t need to be mean.

If you’re beating yourself up about something and bossing yourself around, it isn’t going to help you get the results you actually want. That doesn’t mean that you need to be thrilled with everything or delusional, you can still be dissatisfied with your results and choose to demand more from yourself. 

But what if you did it kindly?

Did you catch the subtlety above though? You can be dissatisfied with your results and choose to aim higher, this does not give you carte blanche to judge yourself as a failure, not good enough, or “bad” in some way.

Tough love is not about withholding self-love until we are good enough, it’s about caring enough about ourselves to make it worth the effort to keep going and push through setbacks because we deserve the results. Tough love is rooted in believing in ourselves, seeing the good, acknowledging the imperfections, and still striving.

We nurture what we care about not what we hate. 

If you’re too hard on yourself it’s time to stop that habit. We can help you launch a new habit. Join our amazing community of women for the evening. You deserve to be kind to yourself and invest in breaking this habit. 

P.S. I now offer targeted mini coaching+hypnosis packages

P.P.S.Book a free coaching exploration call and I will tell you everything you need to know and what results you can expect with my group coaching program for women or 1-on-1 coaching.

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