Dreading the Inevitable Holiday Hustle

There’s a lot of Holiday Dread out there. The dread of a million things to do, complicated logistics, and not feeling appreciated. Dealing with triggering people. The seemingly inevitable hustle, overwhelm, and exhaustion.

And the go-to is usually one of these:

  1. Obsessively making lists, plans, rules, and schedules for everything and everyone. Or;
  2. Procrastinating until the stress and overwhelm become too big to ignore.

Those don’t work.

A Well-Managed Mind

If you’re looking for an easier way, the solution is a well-managed mind. A messy mind is plagued by scattered thoughts and leads to messy feelings (externally organized people can suffer from this as well).

A well-managed mind has organized thoughts. It doesn’t get triggered or overwhelmed, because it centers on the knowledge that things outside of you don’t cause you to feel a certain way, your thoughts about them do.

It means creating the habit of taking 100% responsibility for your feelings, even the messy ones, no matter what.

Creating a Managed Mind:

The Kickstartology Coaching program trains you to organize your thoughts. It’s like having a personal trainer for your brain. Using the Alignment Framework and the Thought Model, we guide you through the simple steps in order for you to create certainty and ease. You:

  • Reconnect with your gut and what drives you
  • Get a fresh perspective on your current patterns and explore new possibilities
  • Examine your self-image and mindset (without getting lost in self-judgement) and learn to shift them as needed to serve you
  • Build the habit of following through for yourself without relying on willpower

The Holidays Reimagined:

A managed mind creates ease. You can confidently make decisions ahead of time without wasting energy stressing out about things you can’t control and the things that irritate you. You won’t waste time with cycles of overwhelm and procrastination, or trample the joy by trying to control everything and everyone. No one will trigger you because you know how to create inner safety for yourself.

You will feel more connected to yourself and others, and create the experience and feelings you want.

It’s worth it. To start building these skills in time for the holidays, book a conversation this week and we can discuss the details.

P.S. I now offer targeted mini coaching+hypnosis packages

P.P.S.Book a free coaching exploration call and I will tell you everything you need to know and what results you can expect with my group coaching program for women or 1-on-1 coaching.

Free: Get unstuck with our mini starter course:


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